Potato Cake

Potato Cake

ChefKas Recipe

You've come to the right place, my friend. If you're looking for a crispy and savory delight that'll make your taste buds do the happy dance. Introducing a crispy & savory golden potato cake recipe by ChefKas.

Ingredients (Feeds up to 4 people):
- 8 Yukon Gold Potatoes - large dice (peels on)
- 2 Red Onion - medium dice
- ½ C Green Onion - thin sliced
- ½ C minced garlic
- 3 T (tablespoon) Spirits & Spice Roasted Garlic EVOO
- 3 T EVOO (or additional Spirits & Spice EVOO of choice)
- 3 T (tablespoon) Spirits & Spice Majestic Majadara Mix
- 3 T (tablespoon) Spirits & Spice Shwarma Spice
- 4-5 T pink Himalayan salt (or to taste)
- 3-4 T fresh ground black pepper (to taste)

1. Put potatoes in stockpot and fill with water. Bring up to a simmer, and simmer approx. 20-30 min until potatoes are soft and easy to smash. When soft, strain potatoes, then proceed to step 3.

2. While potatoes are cooking, in large sauté pan, heat EVOO over medium heat, add onions and garlic, sauté to golden brown, using lid intermittently. Use 2 T pink salt and 1 T black pepper to season. Reserve.

3. In large mixing bowl, smash potatoes with fork or masher. Does not need to be
completely smooth. Incorporate seasonings, onions, garlic, and green onion. Mash together until all components are incorporated.

4. Coat large sauté pan with EVOO spray, and heat over med-high heat. Add potato mixture and form “cake” using a spatula. Cook each side of potato cake to a crispy dark brown, top with additional green onion, serve hot! Delicious!
