Part 1
One day my 8-year-old son, my 3-year-old son, and I were driving somewhere, and we were playing a game to keep the peace (always a constant struggle). The game was “If you were a superhero, who would you be?” My 3-year-old from the back seat pipes up and says, “Mom would be ‘Super Mom,’ and David (his 8-year-old brother in the car with us) would be ‘Momma’s Boy’. From the mouths of babes...
David is now our Director of Wine & Spirits. Daniel, the former 3-year-old prophet, is our Director of Management & Operations.
Part 2
Back in the days when my firstborn was an infant, the Ferber method of sleep training was all the rage. For the uninitiated, this meant that at a certain point, you allowed your infant (older than 6 months, I believe) comfort themselves to sleep. Instead of the Grandpa approved method of holding them, rocking them and singing them to sleep. So we began to decrease the amount of time we spent “putting” her to sleep and when the night came to let her “comfort herself” to sleep, she cried and cried and cried — it seemed like for hours but was probably only 30 minutes. The next day she had lost her voice from crying (read screaming) for so long the night before.
My conclusion, Ferber had never met a child as stubborn as mine. F#@k Ferber.