S&S Luscious Watermelon Vodka

S&S Luscious Watermelon Vodka

This is a Midsummer’s dream made true! Spring, Fall, and Winter too, the Luscious Watermelon Vodka is a perfect fit year round! The fresh sweet and sour profile lends itself to a myriad of fantastic uses. Pour into your mojitos, margaritas, vodka sodas and lemonades. Or just put it over ice and kick your feet up, it is that delicious!


Shipping Details/Restrictions

  • Country: United States
    Alcohol Content: 35%


    Due to a glass shortage, you may receive a different bottle shape than pictured.  Don’t worry, it will have the same amount inside.  Feel free to contact us by email info@spiritsandspice.com with questions.
