The Sass Doesn't Fall Far From the Tree

The Sass Doesn't Fall Far From the Tree

The Sass Doesn't Fall Far From the Tree

Spirits & Spice is fortunate to have an incredibly dynamic team of employees as the face of the business.  Their jobs require an abundance of detailed product knowledge as well as a genuine care for the customer experience. 

No one knows this model better than David Pepper, store manager of Spirits & Spice in Sedona, Arizona.  Not only does he bring a special flare to sales, he also has a personal stake in the ultimate success of the business.  David is the son of owner Kim Weiss and has been working along side her since the open of her first store in Jackson, Wyoming when he was just 14 years old.  He started out doing everything from holding signs to stocking shelves. His age limited him from working with the alcohol selection, but he still immersed himself in the growing family business. 

When an opportunity opened in the Las Vegas Spirits & Spice, David jumped on the opportunity and made the move.  While many people would be out painting the Vegas skyline red on their 21st birthday, he was starting in his new position.  Two years later the Sedona location needed a manager and David was up for the challenge. 

In some aspects David has had to work twice as hard to prove that these positions weren’t given to him because of the family connection.  One aspect that demonstrates his deep care for customer services is the time he has dedicated to learning about Spirits & Spice spirits as well as any competing products.  This additional knowledge allows him the ability to relate to, compare and recommend the perfect spirit for each customer.

At just 23 years old David knows he’s young but says “age is just a construct of time.  It’s all to do with how hard you work and how much you’re willing to put into it.”  He has already shown that he’s willing to put his heart and soul into this business and the success he’s achieved is proof of that.  He says as long as the business is in the family he plans to have a role in it and Spirits & Spice will be all the better for it.



